To understand how spherical coordinates are measured
To understand graphs and regions created by fixing or varying spherical coordinates
In this section, spherical coordinates are introduced in terms of two linear measurements and one angular measurement.
Figure2.3.1.A screenshot from the lesson on spherical coordinates in three dimensions
Subsection2.3.1Spherical Coordinate Measurements
In the first lesson on spherical coordinates in three dimensions, the measurements of the \(\rho\text{,}\)\(\theta\text{,}\) and \(\phi\) coordinates are introduced. Several examples are given showing the geometric measurements for each coordinate. Since \(\phi\) is measured in a different way than previous coordinates, there is a focus on the measurement of this coordinate. The activity below follows up with a brief exploration on coordinate measurements and graphs of equations. The wire frame grid of spherical coordinates is also shown and related to ideas on a globe. Specifically, the ideas of poles, equator, latitude, and longitude are introduced are briefly related to spherical coordinates. There are numerous questions about measurement of spherical coordinates related to curves in space and octants.
Subsection2.3.2Spherical Coordinates: Surfaces and Regions
In the second lesson on spherical coordinates in three dimensions, the surfaces created by a fixed value of \(\rho\text{,}\)\(\theta\text{,}\) and \(\phi\) are explored. There are several questions and examples dealing with the possible shapes given by constant values of \(\phi\text{.}\) There are also questions about the spherical coordinates related to inequalities and regions in space.
Figure2.3.2.A screenshot from the lesson on spherical coordinates in three dimensions
WorksheetPractice Graphs with Spherical Coordinates
In each of the following cases, the spherical coordinates \((\rho,\theta, \phi)\) of a point in space are given. Draw the point \(P\) in three-dimensional space by identifying the angles \(\theta\) and \(\phi\) and the distance \(\rho\) in your drawing.