On this page, you can look at graphical representation of the topics and activities for CalcVR . Clicking on any button will take you to the Supplemental Material page for the corresponding topic.
Legend for CalcVR and Supplemental materials:
Below is an outline of the material offered by CalcVR .
The flow chart below will use the following colors to indicate the material type.
similar to a chapter in a book
a mostly on rails CalcVR scene designed to expose students to a concept through representations of mathematical objects in virtual reality with accompanying audio descriptions
an area in CalcVR where the user can create and student objects from multivariable Calculus with minimal guided audio
a series of guided instructions outside of CalcVR designed to supplement a lesson in CalcVR or concept in multivariable calculus
series of questions posed in conjunction with a CalcVR Playground or lesson designed to guide the student through a concept from multivariable calculus
a series of questions inside of CalcVR about objects from multivariable calculus
CalcVR Topics from Multivariable Calculus:
Click on one of the topics below and you will see a flowchart of lessons, playgrounds, activities, etc. related
to the topic. The relationship between nodes in the chart is meant to provide suggested prerequisites before
engaging in the material.
2d Coordinates
3d Coordinates
Lines and Planes
Curves and Surfaces
Vector Valued Functions
Multivariable Functions
Vector Fields
Line and Surface Integrals
The CalcVR materials on this topic are:
Below you can see a suggested prerequisite flowchart on the topic you selected above.
Click on one of the times below to see a description.
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400, 10, topic, 2D Coordinates, , C1.html,
40, 100, activity, Parametric, Coordinates, parametric.html, 0
400, 100, activity, Rectangular, Regions, rect_regions.html, 0
750, 100, activity, Polar Points, and Regions, polar.html, 0
10, 200, activity, Parametric Equations, for Conic Sections, ellipse.html, 1
300, 200, activity, Derivatives of, Parametric Equations, derivative.html, 1
400, 10, topic, 3D Coordinates, , C2.html,
40, 100, lesson, Rectangular, Coordinates, rect_3D.html, 0
400, 100, lesson, Cylindrical, Coordinates, Cylindrical.html, 0
750, 100, lesson, Spherical, Coordinates, Spherical.html, 0
10, 200, activity, Rectangular, Activity 1, rect_3D.html#constant_rec_coord, 1
200, 200, activity, Rectangular, Activity 2, rect_3D.html#equal_rec_coord, 1
380, 200, activity, Cylindrical, Activity 1, Cylindrical.html#cyl_act_basic, 2
550, 200, lesson, Cylindrical, Activity 2, Cylindrical.html#activity-graph-z-r-squared, 2
700, 200, lesson, Spherical, Section 2, Spherical.html#spherical_boogaloo, 3
50, 300, lesson, Rectangular, Section 2, rect_3D.html#rect_section2, 4,5
800, 300, activity, Spherical, Activity, Spherical.html#spherical_basic, 3
400, 450, play, Constant Coordinate, Playground, Coord_Followup.html, 9, 8, 7
270, 10, topic, Lines and Planes, , C4.html,
80, 100, lesson, Lines, , lines.html, 0
300, 100, lesson, Planes, , planes.html, 0
550, 100, play, Quadric Surface, Playground, QuadricDemo.html, 0
10, 200, quiz, Lines, Quiz, lines.html#lines_quiz, 1
130, 300, activity, Perpendicular, Line Activity, planes.html#planes_activity1, 1,2
350, 300, activity, Intersecting, Line Activity, planes.html#planes_intersect, 1,2
600, 200, exploration, Quadric Surface, Exploration, QuadAct.html, 3
550, 300, activity, Intersecting, Line Activity 2, planes.html#planes_intersect2, 1,2
270, 10, topic, Curves and, Surfaces, C5.html,
40, 100, lesson, Parametric, Curves, para_curves.html, 0
450, 100, lesson, Parametric, Surfaces, para_surfaces.html, 0
250, 200, lesson, Transformation, of Surfaces, para_transformations.html, 2
550, 200, play, Surface Graphing, Playground, surface_demo.html, 2
400, 10, topic, Vector Valued, Functions, C3.html,
240, 100, lesson, Plotting, , vvf_plotting.html, 0
500, 100, play, Playground, , VVFDemo.html, 1
150, 200, lesson, Velocity, , vvf_velocity.html, 1
400, 200, lesson, Unit Tangent, Vector , vvf_tangent.html, 3
800, 150, lesson, Curvature, , vvf_curvature.html, 4
250, 300, lesson, Acceleration, , vvf_acceleration.html, 3
180, 550, lesson, Splitting of the, Acceleration Vector, vvf_splitting.html, 6,4,8
400, 450, lesson, Unit Normal, Vector , vvf_normal.html, 4
400, 550, lesson, Binormal, Vector, vvf_binormal.html, 8
150, 300, lesson, Speed, , vvf_speed.html, 3
10, 270, exploration, Speed, Exploration, vvf_speed.html#speed_expl, 10
150, 400, lesson, Arc, Length, vvf_arclength.html, 10
10, 370, exploration, Arc Length, Exploration, vvf_arclength.html#arc_expl, 12
550, 330, activity, Unit Normal, Activity, vvf_normal.html#TNactivity1, 4,8
650, 250, activity, Curvature, Activity, vvf_curvature.html#curve_act, 5
700, 350, exploration, Curvature, Exploration, vvf_curvature.html#curve_expl, 5
270, 10, topic, Multivariable, Functions, C7.html,
40, 100, lesson, Domain, , mvf_function.html, 0
40, 200, activity, Domain, Activity, mvf_function.html#mvf_domain, 1
200, 100, lesson, Contours, , mvf_contour.html, 0
200, 200, activity, Contour, Activity, mvf_contour.html#mvf_contour_act, 3
600, 100, lesson, Limits and, Continuity, mvf_limit.html, 0
580, 200, activity, Limit, Activity, mvf_limit.html#mvf_path, 5
720, 200, activity, Limit DNE, Activity, mvf_limit.html#limit_dne, 5
350, 200, lesson, Partial, Derivatives, mvf_partials.html, 0
50, 400, activity, Partial Derivative, Path Activity, mvf_partials.html#mvf_part_act, 8
250, 400, lesson, Gradient, , mvf_gradient.html, 8
400, 500, lesson, Directional, Derivative, mvf_directional.html, 10
550, 600, activity, Directional Derivative, Path Activity, mvf_directional.html#mvf_dir_paths, 11
550, 400, lesson, Tangent, Planes, mvf_linearity.html, 8
750, 400, lesson, Second, Partials, mvf_secondpartials.html, 8
750, 500, activity, Second Partial, Activity, mvf_secondpartials.html#mvf_second_act, 14
250, 500, lesson, Extrema, , mvf_extrema.html, 10
50, 500, activity, Extrema, Activity, mvf_extrema.html#mvf_ext_act, 16
300, 600, lesson, Extrema on, Compact Regions, mvf_extremacompact.html, 16
50, 600, activity, Extrema on Compact, Regions Activity, mvf_extremacompact.html#mvf_comp_act, 18
25, 300, play, Contour, Playground, mvf_contourdemo.html, 3
350, 10, topic, Multiple, Integration, C8.html,
300, 200, lesson, Introduction, to Integration, int_intro.html, 0
350, 10, topic, Vector, Fields, C9.html,
350, 100, lesson, Plotting, , VF_plotting.html, 0
150, 200, lesson, Curl, , VF_curl.html, 1
550, 200, lesson, Divergence, , VF_div.html, 1
600, 100, play, Vector Field, Playground, VF_demo.html, 1
350, 10, topic, Vector, Calculus, C10.html,
350, 200, lesson, Line Integrals, Scalar Functions, lineintegrals.html, 0
50, 200, lesson, Line Integrals, Vector Field, lineintegrals_vf.html, 0
650, 200, lesson, Surface, Integrals, surfaceintegrals.html, 0
350, 300, topic, Major, Theorems, C11.html, 1,2,3